
Knitted Flowered Hats

Summer evenings were spent under the cool gentle breezes of the air conditioner, knitting and watching some of the best that Netflix has to offer. My film majoring daughter and I, having been British in our former lives, enjoyed a fraction of the approximately 525,600 hours of DVD available from the 1970's BBC hit, Upstairs Downstairs. If you are an avid knitter, I recommend a subscription to Netflix, or conversely, if you are an avid Netflix subscriber, I recommend you take up knitting seriously. Seriously. It is a match made in Heaven. We watched other stuff, too, all of which I loved but most of which I can't remember (at least not the titles).


Where have I been?

I learned today that the gallery sold three paintings. Shown above, they are "Too Young to Be in Love", "The Fiddler and Me" and "Courage", for which I don't have an image. I felt encouraged by this news, because today the economic headlines had me thinking, I'd better get a real job.

That thought, noble though it was, lasted until I caught myself looking once again on Amazon.com for more inspirational books on mixed media painting and collage (knitting and crochet, too). Like I haven't already bought out the entire craft sections of Barnes & Noble and Borders.

So getting back to the question I posed in the headline. I have been doing a lot of knitting this summer because my loft studio has been so hot I couldn't work there. During recent previews of the cooler fall weather, I have started my painting routine again (note cat with arm warmers... detail of a painting). Other ideas are well in the works.

The last photo above shows three facecloths knit in organic cotton, and a knit flower embellishment, created for a special friend. I have knit and designed many items and would like to sell them on Etsy. I'm already selling prints and note cards of paintings at that site. See links on right side of blog page.

Hope everyone had a creative summer. I've had blogger's block, but I'm back!